sql: SET time_zone = '+05:30', executionMS: 0.00018310546875
sql: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userlevels WHERE userlevelid = -2, executionMS: 0.0012049674987793
sql: SELECT userlevelid, userlevelname FROM userlevels, executionMS: 0.00022196769714355
sql: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM userlevelpermissions WHERE userlevelid = -2, executionMS: 0.013597965240479
sql: SELECT tablename, userlevelid, permission FROM userlevelpermissions WHERE userlevelid IN (-2), executionMS: 0.016767978668213
sql: SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Engine = 'MyISAM' AND Name = 'admin', executionMS: 0.0016119480133057
sql: SELECT code FROM apc_pfv WHERE id=1 LIMIT 1, executionMS: 0.00075316429138184
sql: Select `site` from `admin_office` where `id` = '' Limit 1, executionMS: 0.0018320083618164
sql: Select `company_id` from `admin_office` where `id` = '' Limit 1, executionMS: 0.00012898445129395
sql: SELECT `url` FROM `portal_setup` where `portal_setup`.`url` like '' limit 1, executionMS: 0.00031614303588867
sql: SELECT `id` FROM `portal_setup` where `portal_setup`.`admin_url` like '' || `portal_setup`.`url` like '' limit 1, executionMS: 0.0001368522644043
sql: SELECT `name` FROM `portal_info` where `id` = '200001' limit 1, executionMS: 0.00042200088500977
sql: SELECT ifnull((SELECT `footer_line_be` FROM `portal_setup` where `admin_url` like '' || '' like `url` limit 1),'©2024 Integer Systems. All rights reserved. Helpline +91 9829221171'), executionMS: 0.00018692016601562
sql: SELECT `pd_byepass` FROM `portal_setup` Limit 1, executionMS: 0.00010299682617188
sql: SET @@group_concat_max_len = 1000000;, executionMS: 0.00017809867858887
sql: SELECT `default_page` from `portal_setup` where `id` = 200000, executionMS: 0.00035905838012695
sql: SELECT `dashboard` from `portal_setup` where `id` = 200000, executionMS: 0.00013995170593262
sql: SELECT `html` FROM `home` limit 1, executionMS: 0.0010011196136475
sql: SELECT `icon`, `image`, `title` as Title, `sub_title` as `Sub_Title`, replace(replace(`url_link`, '_', ''),'.php','') as url, `code`, `user_level`, `group_by`, `target_window` FROM `dashboard` WHERE FIND_IN_SET(-2, `user_level`) and status=1 and `group_by` = 1 and `item_group` = 11 ORDER BY order_by ASC, executionMS: 0.0024900436401367
Page processing time: 0.095348 seconds